Copy of Soul Fragment Retreval
Service Description
This powerful service is designed to bring you back into a state of consciousness and allow you to fully embody your true self. By retrieving soul fragments, you can repair the feeling of a void within your soul and become more aware of your life and choices. This is a ceremonial session that taps into all the energetic healing modalities that I utilize. This session clears low vibrational energies, hooks, cords, and negative attachments to create a safe space for your soul fragment to come home to. This session includes light hypnosis to dive deeply into your subconscious and your soul energy to remove low vibrational energies from your system, a journey to find your soul fragment, work through any fears you may have surrounding integrating back with your current self, creating a safe space for your fragmented soul energy to come home to, and then reintegrating your soul fragment energy with your soul here and now to have a better understanding of life and a better ability to live to your fullest awareness. This session helps to clear long-term brain fog, fears, anxiety, mood swings, confusion surrounding your life and your path, intuition connection, understanding of yourself and your life as a whole, and to come back to who you were truly meant to be in this lifetime if you feel you've lost touch with that person on many levels. This is truly a powerful session and can and will cause large positive changes in your understanding of life, yourself, and your path. I'm looking forward to seeing you fully embodied and integrated with your soul journey and soul self with clarity, confidence, and more ease in moving forward in your life! Questions?
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